15 January 2009

Beading....and lots of it!

Excuse the absence yesterday. Hubby has gone back to school so our days and nights are in transition. Hopefully we will begin to get a routine that satisfies everyone in the family.

Right now our days are filled with a new love. O has found my stash of beads so for the last 4 days he has woken up to making bracelets and necklaces. This last until bedtime, literally.
He is about to get his own container with beads, with my favorite beads disappearing fast!

I started a new project that was too soon ripped out and restarted, after 60 rounds. I was given a genourous gift from a friend of 3 balls of handspun. I made my mom this lace capelet from a woman on Ravelry and I'm using this beautiful purple hand-dyed yarn to make my grandmother one. It needs to be finished by August, so I figure why not get a head start on it. I'm sure it'll need to be put down at some point for a breather.

(photo courtesory of O)

The more beading that gets done the more knitting mama gets to do.

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