30 December 2010

Kitchen Table and other happenings

A busy month it has been! Crafting, painting, gluing, writing, melting, baking, spinning....our hands have been moving.

Every morning till night time our table has been full of some kind of crafting. This particular day was our yearly peppermint bark. This year, time ran out before classes ended and my dearest mom came to the rescue, made some candies and hand delivered them for me...I am so lucky!
Mine got made eventually.


girls boxes

I made these darling little boxes after seeing them here. Mr Wolfe has 2 nieces that are new to me this year so I was very excited to make some girly gifts. . The boxes Oscar and I put together.


On another note, it snowed here on Christmas Day!! It hasn't snowed here in Georgia on Christmas Day in years....It was a real treat to share with Oscar and so beautiful.

snowy christmas


Hope to put up more posts soon...my kitchen table is always full!


14 December 2010

Kitchen Table Tuesday

kitchen table tuesday 13 Dec

So much to do, so little time. Filling out Holiday and Thank you cards, making the never ending lists, drinking lots of coffee and making dinner. All the while, my very patient young one stirs up an "after dinner drink." Yogurt, pomegranate seeds, orange juice, cocoa and who knows what else....actually tastes pretty good!

Thank you Oscar for simplifying my life and making me see that life doesn't have to be so hard.

09 December 2010

Kitchen Table Thursday

Well, I didn't make it for Kitchen Table Tuesday, so Thursday will have to do.

Oscar and I finally sat down for a quiet evening of origami. Last year we made our advent calender of origami envelopes. This year I decided we needed something just a little different, something that could actually hold little gems. So, we went with cups. They were quite simple actually. Here is the link that I used.

cup advant

cups advant

With a little fold here and a little fold there, 24 tiny cups were made. They will actually hold water, though I don't suppose that I will be hanging any water, maybe some hot chocolate.

Lots of Holiday Markets to prepare for...so until we meet again, have a lovely week!