30 August 2008

Mountain Re-Cap

A quick trip up to the mountains was just what I needed for a well balanced week!
A visit to see family, friends, a lot of rain, some horses and cows.
I love riding down the old country roads,

seeing where I lived pre-kids....where I would sit out on my front porch and look up at Mt. Yonah....ah, those were the good ole days. Where out my front door was about 1000 acres of fields and a creek just down the hill, where we could go hiking any time of day just out our back door. I lived there a short amount of time, only 2 years. But this is where I met my best friends there, found myself, my love for the simpler times.
Oh my, I was totally dreaming....I just really love that place. But, as much as there is to love, I know that I really love it here. I have met some really wonderful friends, that I wouldn't have survived some of my life obstacles without them! I have developed a love for knitting. I have a great family nearby with a wonderful supportive husband and a perfect healthy child. And when I don't feel like cooking, there are some really fabulous restaurants fairly nearby. As you can see, I do really love it here and I am proud to call it home.
So, how glad am I that the trip only takes me about 1.5 hours to get there!

It's always a treat to sit at my parents kitchen table, (the table I grew up sitting at) and eating breakfast. My mom put in some bird seed and hummingbird feeders outside the window, so it was a delight to sit and watch the birds flutter by. The hummingbird chasing each other off each territory.

Below is a spider web that was right outside my parents house that out lasted the thunderstorms and rain.

This Sky

Where we live
Is no place to lose your wings
So love, love,

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