16 June 2008


(Oh Dear, I really meant to send this yesterday! I had saved it in my folder until I found my picture. Sorry!)I hope all you Papas out there had a wonderful day with your families for your special day this weekend! I know my husband plays a very important role in our family and we are grateful for him everyday!
Exciting News.....This week marks my one year anniversary for this blogspot space!
I can't believe that it's already been one year, though, I haven't been writing everyday, but have kept with it.....it's good for me, therapeutic, ya know.
When I look back it's like flipping through your baby book, they grow so quickly and sometimes you can't remember every detail. So, I have really enjoyed writing here and meeting so many special people!
So, in celebration, I would like to shower this spot with 30 Days of Happiness, starting today. The plan is to post one picture of my daily life and sometimes add a quote of happiness.
Hope your day has much happiness in it!
Viva Bien!

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