14 August 2009

Peaches For Ice Cream

I love seasonal fruits. I love to stock up on them, freezing them, baking with them, making them into the unknown. Blackberries have recently left us as well as blueberries, which we have a freezer full of, now onto peaches.
I love some juicy, sweet peaches, the kind that drip from your mouth all the way to your elbow, kind of juicy. So, we trotted down to the local orchard and picked up a couple gallon peaches, ate some peach ice cream there and returned home to make more. So yummy!

hope you have a cone of some peach ice cream or just a peachy day!

1 comment:

  1. We never seem to resist fresh peaches and raw milk ice cream at our farmers market, the thought of the two things mixed into one! Oh, YUM!!! : )
