26 June 2008

30 Days of Happiness :: 8

Me, last night putting together last minute gifts....

Today my little boy is turning 3!
I can't believe the time that has flow by.....I have loved every part of being a mom.
Getting up in the middle of the night included.

Children have a way of making you look at the world in such a different creative way that you really start believing that this is all you can do; love this child, play all day and your life is complete.
And that is what it's all about, showing them the way, loving them always, feeding their little bodies, having respect for their feelings as people.

What I wish for O is a healthy, happy, full of adventure, independent, full of laughter
and loving life.
Happy Birthday Little One!

30 Days of Happiness :: 7

Feeding your soul, isn't that what life is all about anyway?
Even though I'm a mother I'm still my own person, having desires, wants and needs
just like the next person.

I like to feed my soul with ::
*Cleanliness, (of my house)
*Blueberries or other seasonal berries

*Veggies and other fruit,
*Knitting with friends or alone
*Working outside
*Love and Laughter
*Meal Planning

*Watching Nature Evolve

*Music, (especially Michael Buble) and
*Just living life simply

I have much happiness and gratefulness in my life right now and I think that makes all the difference on how my soul is fed.

How do you feed your soul?

I hope you all have a blessed day.....
Viva Bien! Live Well

25 June 2008

30 Days of Happiness :: 6

Fresh vegetables coming up in the garden.....pumpkins already!

24 June 2008

30 Days of Happiness :: 5

Sunning in Savannah with my hunnies and burying my feet in the sand....

19 June 2008

30 Days of Happiness :: 4

Sometimes, I dreamabout moving into town, but then we would lose our lovely little home in the country, our chickens, blueberries, trees, land and all that stops me from dreaming.

18 June 2008

30 Days of Happiness :: 3

Going on walks with the little one. He's trying out new things, like how to pull other objects
while riding on his bike. He has found out that pulling daddy's truck doesn't work.

Meeting daddy for lunch and having a Polar Mocha in the middle of the day, ah, so nice!

Meeting daddy for lunch and having a Polar Mocha in the middle of the day, ah, so nice!

17 June 2008

30 Days of Happiness :: 2

"The place you are in needs you today. Your spark can become a flame and change everything. Reach out your hand; do great work; stand up for an ideal and put your heart into it. Believe we can build a better world. Know that what you do makes a difference. Life is a grand adventure and your life is worth living." unknown

Happiness is making hand prints on the printer and hanging them about.

16 June 2008


(Oh Dear, I really meant to send this yesterday! I had saved it in my folder until I found my picture. Sorry!)I hope all you Papas out there had a wonderful day with your families for your special day this weekend! I know my husband plays a very important role in our family and we are grateful for him everyday!
Exciting News.....This week marks my one year anniversary for this blogspot space!
I can't believe that it's already been one year, though, I haven't been writing everyday, but have kept with it.....it's good for me, therapeutic, ya know.
When I look back it's like flipping through your baby book, they grow so quickly and sometimes you can't remember every detail. So, I have really enjoyed writing here and meeting so many special people!
So, in celebration, I would like to shower this spot with 30 Days of Happiness, starting today. The plan is to post one picture of my daily life and sometimes add a quote of happiness.
Hope your day has much happiness in it!
Viva Bien!

13 June 2008

so much to do, so little time

I know I haven't been very attentive lately, well, not to you anyway.....but my plants and chickens and anything that lives outside have been getting some well-deserved mama attention.
We are trying to get our garden in tip-top shape before the weeds over take the veggies.
So, spending ALOT of time outdoors has led to very little time indoors.
I will try to be more attentive starting next week.....okay?

Here's an update on our little baby birds:

They are actually about to fly out of their nest.....already!
Seems like yesterday I was noticing they were even there.
Ah, little babies, growing up to be big babies.
My little baby went to both sets of the grandparents this week. I got a well-deserved (I think) and much-needed break....2 full days and 1 long night.
Hubby and I went out on a date last night....had an extremely great time!
We realize we definitely need to do have date night more often!
Now we just need to find a local babysitter.....

A couple friends came by this week to hang out. Oscar and Addie were very thirsty after playing some b-ball!

Well, friends it's off to pick up the little one....
May you have a very happy weekend and for all the Papas out there.....
Happy Daddy's Day!

08 June 2008

I broke it

So, the other day, Chad was driving my Jeep and says to me.... your jeep hit 200.
This means my Jeep finally hit the 200,000 miles!
WOW.....what a record.

It's amazing how fast this can happen. Seems like just yesterday I was buying my Jeep. It has just barely 100,000 miles. And just 8 years later......

Other things I know:

-The farmers market is windling down....I think it's so hot out that people just don't want to get out, especially before 10am, which is when the farmers mostly sell out.

-But I did manage to buy some nice fresh produce; a humongous zucchini, so beautiful and delicious!
-Some beets that I can't stop making a fruity beet salad out of...recipe is followed

-The sunset the morning of the market (@ 6am) is just delightful!

-I've got some more visitors on my porch. I didn't realize birds will do this, but as soon as the mama bird and her followers flew away another mama came to occupy her nest. The eggs have hatched and we've been watching the babies grow up. They seem to double in size every morning!

-We've been doing much playing (e.g the macaroni)

Okay on to the oh my so delicious Fruity Beety
some beets; I use about 6 or so, boil, then peel and slice them
couple oranges; peeled and cut into slices
handful of raisins, I use golden for this particular recipe
honey, about a teaspoon
vinegar; a few splashes

prep and mix together. refrigerate for 2+ hours. i eat on cottage cheese.
Enjoy and see you next week!

03 June 2008

No time but I have some candy!

I don't have much time here today so I'm posting some eye candy for you to chew on:
Enjoy and have a great day!