10 August 2007

My Table for the Maternity Fair

Here it is.....after days agonizing over how to display my table, I finally found some sheets at Goodwill. A lavender, aqua and natural color.
So here are some pictures of things that I will be selling and displaying on my table.

The first is some knitted veggies just for display, since it is a baby fair, I do need a few rattles and such!

This is our lovely kitchen table with all my stuff packed up in it, behind it, beside it.....

Here is my work table, with more products!
The next two pictures are the tags I made to use for labeling the Mama and Baby's products.
I printed the For... on my computer then stamped the hand and foot print, bought at Michaels.

Here are the sheets I was talking of early bought at Goodwill, they are perfect baby colors....

Well, off to take my products to the Classic Center to set up....wish me luck! :)

08 August 2007

Baby Gender

No, I haven't found out yet.
We find out next Tuesday at our Dr's appointment.
However, I can't resist the gender games.


I have taken 4 quizes, they are say that I'm having a boy..... we'll see about that.
Oscar claims it is a girl....named Okra!

I did take one of these silly games when I first found out I was pregnant and it said girl, which was exactly what I was feeling at the time.

But, for the last week, I've began to question myself....."what if it's a boy", mind you, that I
would absolutely love that! Girl or Boy really.

Well, just 6 more days until we find out for certain, until then I will still be guessing...hum.